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PURFLUX GROUP App offers its users very useful functions, designed to make the spare parts research complete, easier and faster, remaining up to date on all the brand news. Today thanks to the great success of downloads, the application has been improved to increase the functionality and the usage with new features:

  • the scan barcodes
  • the new Cabin3tech+ dedicated mini-site access.

With the scan barcodes the users can display the product sheet of the scanned reference directly from the packaging. It is fast and reliable and takes less time than entering data by hand.

Cabin3Tech+ is the innovative cabin air filter launched by PURFLUX GROUP that combines the best in cabin filtration technology for your protection. Now customers can get detailed product information directly from the app homepage and access to the 56 new references, which cover over up to 150 million cars around Europe.

In addition to these new features, customers can explore the company’s extensive product portfolio browsing the catalogue, in detail and at any time; discover the “new-to-range” available, be linked to the video installation tutorial on YouTube and be updated on what’s happening by reading the news.

Download the app available on iOS and Android and stay up to date with all PURFLUX GROUP’s news.